There are just two weeks left to see Buxton Contemporary Collection artist Rose Nolan’s exhibition A Singular Impulse at Anna Schwartz Gallery.

A Singular Impulse is a suite of new text works built from the simple repetition of a single geometric form and gesture. Reminiscent of cross-stitch embroidery samplers or electronic ticker-tape signage captured mid-stream, they highlight the space of sustained focus and labour and the measured progress of time.’

Visit the Anna Schwartz Gallery website for more information.

Big Words (Not Mine) – Repetition compulsion or a drive to repeat a singular impulse over and over again to get it right or righter is distinguished from some unstoppable urge to create, 2018
Multi-purpose identification labels, PVA, acrylic paint, pencil, cardboard
15.3 x 1396.6 cm overall (framed)
‘A Singular Impulse’, 2018
Installation view Anna Schwartz Gallery.
Photography: Zan Wimberley