Art and Science in Conversation: Analogy and Metaphor

Join Dr Kristian Camilleri alongside Associate Professor Justin Clemens for a lively conversation about art, literature and science.
Join us for a conversation about analogy and metaphor across art, literature and science, taking as our starting point the playful sculptural equivalences in Susan Jacobs: The ants are in the idiom. Dr Kristian Camilleri will speak about visual metaphors in science, from the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA to the concept of the epigenetic landscape; and Associate Professor Justin Clemens will explore literary metaphor as a way to speak about things that can’t be openly discussed, for political, social or religious reasons.
This is a free event. All are welcome.
Kristian Camilleri is a senior lecturer in the History and Philosophy of Science program at the University of Melbourne. He has written extensively on the social and intellectual history of modern physics, as well as the role of thought experiments in scientific reasoning. In 2009, he published a book on Heisenberg and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: The Physicist as Philosopher with Cambridge University Press, and is currently working a new book, Quantum Mechanics and its Discontents: The History of an Orthodoxy.
Image: Kristian Camilleri by Susan Lengyel.
Justin Clemens is an Associate Professor in the School of Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne. He has published three collections of poetry, and writes about contemporary Australian art and poetry for a range of publications. His
academic writing focuses on the relationships between poetry, psychology and philosophy in Romantic and post-Romantic writing. With Thomas H. Ford, he has just completed a book about Barron Field, the colonial judge who published the first book of poetry in Australia.
Image: Justin Clemens by François Farellacci.